A. Bassi, P. Campolmi*, M. Dindelli, N. Bruscino, R.Conti , G. Cannarozzo and N. Pimpinelli*
Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine, section of Dermatology
University of Florence Medical School, Florence, Italy;
*Dermatology and Physical Therapy Unit, Florence Health District, Florence, Italy
ABSTRACT Background: Rhinophyma is a benign, disfiguring disorder, commonly reffered to as the end stage of severe rosacea and characterized by a progressive thickening and hypertrophy of the nasal skin and soft tissues.
Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of CO2 laser compared to other laser techniques and surgical methods in the treatment of rhinophyma.
Methods: 24 rhinophyma patients were treated with CO2 laser in our institution from 2003 to 2013. A 10,600-nm CO2 pulsed laser was used in all patients, with a 6-month, post-treatment follow up.
Results: Six months after the last laser session, all patients showed global improvement of their clinical conditions: 19 (79.1%) high improvement (>75%), 4 (16.7%) moderate improvement (50-75%), and 1 (4.2%) low improvement (<25%).
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that carbon dioxide laser warrants a careful nasal surface ablation, allowing the remodeling of the hypertrophic areas, with an excellent cosmetic result, a very short healing time, and virtually no side effects.
[pdfjs-viewer url=”http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gild-ftp.it%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Frinofima.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]